Behind The Scenes With One Clever Marketing Intern

Behind The Scenes With One Clever Marketing Intern

Olivia is a rising Junior at the University of Texas at Austin and

RINGLY's Summer Marketing Intern 


Q. Tell us a bit about yourself

I go to school in Austin, Texas, and in my free time I love to go to football games and go paddle boarding on Lake Austin. My idea of a perfect Friday night is a bag of Butterfinger minis and endless 30 Rock.


Q. What made you want to intern at RINGLY?

I heard about the company from a high school friend, and fell in love with the products within minutes of checking out the site. I called my parents and asked for a smart bracelet for my birthday before I even applied for the job.


Q. Tell us what your average day looks like?

I usually start my work day by checking our various social platforms to address any comments or concerns our customers (or prospective customers) might have, and then I work on creative marketing projects like entries for our blog and fun content for our social profiles, like the “Which Gemstone Are You” quiz that went out a few weeks ago.


Q. What is your favorite Ringly style?

I’m currently sporting a Ringly GO in Blush because I love the versatility of the leather band, but my favorite classic style is the Howlite Joyride bracelet because it’s very understated and effortlessly cool.


 Joyride, $165



Q. Many college girls dream of interning at a start-up in New York City. Tell us a bit about your New York experience.

This is my second summer working at a New York start-up, and I feel like I’ve really got into a stride this year. I love being part of the commuter culture, and I definitely feel a sense of purpose and centrality when I look up from my desk and out the window onto all the activity happening in the city around me.


Q. What’s your favorite place to hang out in the city and why?

By far my favorite place in the city is the Natural History Museum.  When I was little my parents used to take me there and we’d spend all day looking at the animal dioramas, and I still do that at least a few times every year.  It never gets old.


Q. What is the coolest thing you’ve gotten to do so far during your internship?

Building the “Which Gemstone Are You” quiz was incredibly fun for me because not only am I obsessed with Buzzfeed style quizzes (who isn’t), but I also got to be in charge of creating something that was experienced by more than a thousand people.



Q. What has been your most challenging experience while interning at RINGLY?

Definitely the hardest thing I’ve had to do is assist in scheduling meetings on Christina’s (our CEO) schedule. I don’t have a lot of experience assisting executives, and it’s much harder and more complicated than I’d imagined to coordinate with other business people!


Q. What’s the greatest advice you give a college woman who wants to intern at a start-up in the city?

Use the connections you already have - I promise you have more than you think.  Many young people don’t think they can “network” yet because they don’t have a lot of experience or know a lot of people, but you totally can. I got this position through a high school friend who interned for a current RINGLY employee last summer, and I guarantee many of you out there have these kinds of connections as well.


Q. You’re doing a stellar job during your internship this Summer. What are your keys to success/secrets?

This summer I’ve been very focused on not being afraid to ask questions or use the resources available to me.  As an intern, it can be easy to just slide under the radar and try not to bother anyone, but this usually prevents you from living up to your full potential.


Q. What RINGLY office snack gets you through your work week?

I’ve become totally hooked on frozen blueberries. By the time I pack up each day it looks like I’m wearing purple lipstick.


Q. What artists do you listen to while you work?

I’ve been getting pretty homesick for Texas recently, so I’m on a country kick - from classics like George Strait to more recent artists like John Pardi.


Q. What is your best memory at RINGLY so far?

One day last week two of my co-workers brought in dogs that they were looking after, and in the afternoon one of them climbed up into my lap and sat there for about an hour totally peacefully while I worked at my desk. That was a pretty great day.


Q. Everyone on the RINGLY team has at least one side hustle. What is yours?

I actually work another job when I’m not in the RINGLY office, doing data management for a company that makes medical technology— definitely the less exciting of my two positions. In addition, my hand and favorite tank top is featured in one of the ads running on Facebook right now...try to guess which one!

July 24, 2017

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